Monday, January 28, 2008
That's right, folks - I'll be in sunny Florida until Friday! I'm going to learn about a new advertising campaign that United Way of America is unveiling. It's called 'Live United' and I cannot wait to soak in all the marketing goodness!
I was going to have to go on this trip alone since Brad didn't want to use four days of his vacation, but my granny decided that she was going to tag along with me! I love my granny so much, and I can't wait to spend a few days with her!
I'll be pretty busy in workshops every day, so I don't know how much I'll get to update, but I'll be thinking of y'all while I'm in the Sunshine State!
Blessings, y'all!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Things that make me SMILE!!!
Two of my Christmas presents from Brad FINALLY came in! I got my PSA Stamp with our new address, so I don't have to write out our address every single time! And I also got a set of Tervis Tumblers with our monogram on them! I got Brad a Georgia Tervis Tumbler for Christmas last year, and he LOVES it! They are great gifts - especially for men since they have basically every school logo! Plus, they NEVER break! I love love love 'em!!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
I've been tagged!
On another FUN note, I have been tagged by APRIL in the 4 things tag! So, here comes the fun!
4 jobs I've had:
1. YMCA Camp Counselor
2. MTSU Orientation Student Coordinator
3. United Way Communications Assistant
4. Retail @ The Write Impression
4 movies watched over and over:
1. Gone with the Wind
2. Steel Magnolias
3. When Harry Met Sally
4. Breakfast at Tiffany's
4 places I've lived:
1. Waco, Texas
2. Belton, Texas
3. Columbia, Tennessee
4. Murfreesboro, Tennessee
4 shows I watch:
1. America's Next Top Model
2. Good Morning America
3. The Office
4. Ugly Betty
4 places I've been:
1. Hawaii
2. Charleston, South Carolina
3. Washington, D.C.
4. Seaside, Florida
4 people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Brad
2. Anyone at United Way
3. Reporters from local media
4. Friends - just depends on the week on who emails more!
4 favorite things to eat:
1. Deli sandwiches - Subway, Jason's Deli, etc.
2. Southern food - Goodness Gracious, Miller's Grocery
3. Sushi/Asian food - Sushin, Fugi, Mikado's
4. Mexican - Mia Patria, Blue Coast Burrito (April, that's my FAVORITE as well!!!)
4 places I'd rather be:
1. Charleson, South Carolina
2. On the beach - on ANY beach
3. In my shop that I hope to open with my sister and mother
4. At a coffee shop with a good friend or a good book :)
4 things I look forward to this year:
1. Continuing to make our house a home
2. Growing my relationship with my Lord and Savior
3. Trying to learn more about becoming a mommy
4. Becoming more crafty and organized - scrapbooking more
4 people to tag:
1. Megan Hutchings
2. Melanie Blair
3. Missy Bond
4. Whoever else would like to continue the fun :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My babies.
1. My cat, Evelyn Gertrude "Gertie" (you will start to notice a trend - I give all my animals first AND middle names) - she was MY first pet. A friend from a nearby town had some relatives that had a huge farm with all of these kittens running around. I loved playing with them, and one day I asked if I could have one. Of course, they obliged, and I took this unique cat home with me! I call her "Momma Gertie," and she is truly the best cat ever. When Brad and I first started dating, he told me didn't like cats. Ugh oh. You wanna know something? I have often heard Brad telling Gertie how much he loves her now! I knew she would win him over! I really don't understand why people don't like cats - they are seriously the most affectionate animals, plus they take care of themselves! So, here's Momma Gertie:
I know it seems like we run a zoo, but each of these animals have a special place in my heart. I only hope that my children will love and appreciate animals as much as I do! I think it's very important that we take care of the animals in our world, and I'm a HUGE advocate for shelter dogs and cats and rescued animals since each of mine is essentially a rescued pet!
Now, tell me about your babies!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
When unexpected things happen...
So naturally I freaked out when Brad and I decided to officially start our Total Money Makeover as our New Year's Resolution, and SEVERAL unexpected things happened. Here's how everything panned out...
We bought our Dave Ramsey book and started talking about our hopes about our plan.
The next day, my car was hit somewhere between Wal-Mart, McAlister's, and a Junior League meeting. And no one was there to take the wasn't a bad hit, but someone most likely backed into (someone with a trailer hitch!).
Brad and I were a little disheartened when we learned that we would have to pay a $500 deductible OR pay the $250 for the part, plus labor (around $90 per hour).
Next morning we wake up to a freezing cold house. I go to see what the thermostat is on, and the thermostat is completely off, and it's not coming back on. A call to "Heater Danny," and we learn that the compressor (please don't ask what a compressor does because I have no idea) is BAD. Although the compressor is under warranty (cue the angels), we still have to pay for labor - which is an ALL DAY job and will most likely cost us $500 or more (Debbie Downer music).
Well, so this may set us a little behind on our start date for the plan, but it's all the more motivation to set up an EMERGENCY fund! In two days, we are already needing close to $1,000!!!!
Does it end here???
Don't think so!
Our precious dog, Turner, who is a lab mix has had several skin problems - along with others. Well, Turner has recently had the skin issue pop up again. We took him to the vet this morning and were told that the problem has gotten worse, and he is going to need to go through a series of dips and treatments to the tune of $172!!!! We will have to have him dipped every other week, which will cost around $70 for each dip! Turner is my baby, and I just want him to get better!
So, the lesson for the week is to NOT GIVE UP. Although Brad and I are discouraged at this set-back, we WILL get through this. I think my fabulous numbers-loving husband has actually figured out a way for us to take care of everything and still start our plan on February 1!!!! We wanted to start this week, but we'll deal! Anyways, I'm trying not to freak out, and I'm doing A LOT of praying :)
Have any of you gone through things like this before??
Monday, January 14, 2008
Things going on in my life right now....
Here's a picture of the two pages in the magazine...
Here's a close up of the first page - LOVE the title, Southern Charm :)
Here's a close-up of my bridal portrait that FOR SURE took up a whole page! Can you tell why I'm so excited???
3.) Last night, I was trying to find a particular dish towel, and I was unsuccessful. After about 30 minutes of searching, I got frustrated and completely organized every closet, basket, drawer, desk, dresser, table - ANYTHING I could get my hands on! I started around 7 p.m. and did not stop until after 12:30 a.m.!!! Brad was working at Hastings, so I had time to go through all of his stuff (he leaves stuff everywhere - no joke!) and organize everything! I'm a neat freak and an organizer, so I had fun going through his piles of stuff! I wish I had before and after pictures for y'all, but I'd almost be too embarassed to show you the before pictures! I'm hoping to get some baskets and label everything in the basket so it's easy to find! My next stop is the attic/garage, but I'm going to need Brad to even begin to tackle that one! Have you ever just gone through everything like I did last night?
4.) I have TWO dinner dates this weekend that I'm excited about...tomorrow night, I get to eat with my little sister, Kayla for her birthday, and on Wednesday night, I'm eating at Pei Wei (YUM!) with my ADPi Big, Melanie, and I CANNOT wait! Melanie was one of the main reasons I joined ADPi, and I love her dearly! Melanie is a wonderful writer, and she has her own blog HERE, so go check it out :)
5.) My parents are coming to my office this afternoon to help me move around my office, and I CANNOT tell you how excited I am! My window shines on my computer, so I feel like I'm squinting all day long, so it'll be a nice change!
-I have LOTS of more fabulous (and not-so-fabulous - but that's for a later post) things that happened last week, but I think that covers it for me! I hope y'all are having a beautiful Monday :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
A New Beginning.
At church on Sunday, Pastor Jackson spoke about new beginnings and how God can give us abundant blessings in our life. He spoke about the other side as well - about the "curses" of the Old Testament. However, Jesus redeemed us from those curses by becoming the ultimate sacrifice for us, and those abundant blessings come through Jesus Christ our Savior. Pastor Jackson outlined several inner challenges that keep us from experiencing our blessings - one being the "self talk." He shared a powerful passage in Luke regarding the self talk:
"Then he told them this story. 'The farm of a certain rich man produced a terrific crop. He talked to himself: 'What can I do? My barn isn't big enough for this harvest.' Then he said, 'Here's what I'll do: I'll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I'll gather in all my grain and goods, and I'll say to myself, Self, you've done well! You've got it made and can now retire. Take it easy and have the time of your life!' Just then God showed up and said, 'Fool! tonight you die. And your barnful of goods - who gets it?' - Luke 12:16-20 (MSG)
You have no idea the impact of this on me - I have been dealing with messages like this in my life for TOO LONG. I get so caught up in having the nicest house, money to travel, the cutest clothes, and you know what? IT DOESN'T MATTER, LENA! You see, in that passage, the man NEVER praised or thanked God for the rain, the sun, the land - all those things that he had no control over, but were instrumental in bringing a bountiful harvest. How many times have we done this in our own lives?
I have been holding onto so many things in my life lately - things from the past, and I know that I have been punishing myself for those things. Sometimes it feels like if I can make up for a horrible past with a nice car, a nice house, etc., etc., that I can "fool" everyone - including God. This is an inner struggle that has been going on in my life for the past year. It took everything for me not to break down right there and start sobbing. But then, Pastor Jackson read a passage in Romans that lifted my heart:
"With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ's being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death." - Romans 8:1-2 (MSG)
Pastor Jackson gave us a list of devotionals, if you will, to do this week. Each day this week, I have looked at this list - and I encourage each of you to look at this list as well - I truly believe that this is going to have a PHENOMENAL impact on my life, and it can on yours, too.
1. What are the messages you hear most frequently in your life?
2. Are they ENTIRELY true?
3. Is it something that has an influence over me? What are the spiritual implications?
4. Is there anything that is apart from God's best? If so, REPENT and RENOUNCE.
5. FORGIVE anyone that you need to forgive.
7. Ask God to begin to help you see yourself from God's perspective.
*As a part of number 6, I plan to share my testimony with you all over the next couple of days. It's not going to be pretty, and I don't plan to sugar coat it, but if I can reach one person through my life story, then it will be worth it. Writing is extremely therapeutic for me, and I know this will work wonders in my life.
I would ask that each of you would pray for me during this week of self-reflection.
Friday, January 4, 2008
NEW hair!
It's a little "poofy" now that it's shorter, so that will take some getting used to, but overall, I love it! In other news, I just uploaded 250 pictures from my camera (FINALLY), so I'll be posting some pictures from Christmas and other events!
Hope you're enjoying your Friday :)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New year, new blog!
Going along with the upgrades for the new year, I'm getting my hair cut tonight, and I CANNOT wait! I'll for sure post before and after pictures, although I'll tell's going to be quite a change!
Brad and I are working to organize everything - my next stop tonight is the office closet and our laundry room! I know Brad is getting sick of me organizing everything, but I just can't stop myself!
I hope y'all are enjoying the New Year! I know the Warnocks are :)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Brad and I spent our New Year's Eve with my parents and old friends, Rita and Warren. We enjoyed lots of appetizers and played our favorite game, Balderdash, until the wee hours of the morning! It was such a good time! Alas, I did not have my camera, and I did not get a single picture :(
We took all our Christmas decorations down yesterday, put them away ORGANIZED and labeled clearly, and gave the house a good clean! I don't think I'll get all the glitter up for a while, though!