Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New shoes.

I finally picked out a dress for the tea - I got a cute yellow and green spring dress, but I was stressing about the shoes. But I didn't stress long, because I found the cutest green and white gingham shoes (pictured below). They are going to look so cute with my dress - I can't wait until next week!

Here are my new favorite shoes - I'm breaking them in today! I seriously love these shoes!
I've been playing with my blog template this morning, but I have learned that I know nothing about html and all that computer jargon. I really want to change my fonts, but I have no idea how to stray away from the standard blogger fonts. Does someone know how to do it easily? I really want a new background and blog "makeover" - that's one thing on my list to get someday. But today, I'll just get by with a few color changes! Ha!

Praise the Lord, this has been a wonderful week! My sweet husband started his new job in Nashville last week - he has to leave really early in the morning, but he gets to come home early, too! He put in his notice at his second job (he worked a few nights a week), and I have LOVED having him home with me every single night! I do miss him in the mornings, though :( We always got ready together, but at least I get him all to myself when I get home!

I'm so ready for the very best friend, Diane, is graduating from college! She is having a graduation party on Saturday night, and I can't wait! I'm trying to decide what to get her for graduation - did y'all get anything that you just LOVED? One of my friends got me a cute green business card holder with some adorable social cards - it was seriously my favorite gift. Diane is graduating with a degree in fashion merchandising, and I'm just drawing a blank!

Diane has been my best friend since kindergarten, and I'm so happy for her - here we are at a Christmas party this past year...

I hope you are all enjoying your week! Only 1 week and a day until the High Tea event! I cannot wait!!!!!!

Blessings, y'all!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Help me out!

I'm trying to decide on a gift for Brad for our first anniversary - visit HERE and post some ideas for me!

Thanks, y'all!

It rained this weekend.

That's right, it rained AGAIN this weekend. I heard the forecast this morning, and weatherman said it was going to be beautiful this week, but the rain will be coming in on Friday night. He said it has rained 6 out of the past 8 weekends. You know what? I really hate sitting at my desk, staring at a computer when the sun is shining, and it is absolutely gorgeous outside!

Despite the rain, Brad and I had a marvelous weekend. On Friday night, we went to see Baby Mama with our friends, Ben and Emily. It was HILARIOUS! Of course, Brad and Ben pouted about having to see a chick flick, but Emily and I ate it up!

Anyways, on this past rainy Saturday, I attended a Junior League workshop - I wasn't really looking forward to it, actually, I was dreading it. But it was actually a very nice workshop, and I learned tons of new information, as well as I met a lot of ladies that are in the League that I haven't been able to connect with yet. So, all-in-all, it was a nice Saturday.

When I came home from the workshop, Brad was posted up in front of the television with the draft on - he had crazy spreadsheets, highlighters and papers EVERYWHERE. I already know that when draft weekend comes, I cannot expect ANYTHING out of Brad. I think he stayed in his pajamas for the whole weekend straight. I really don't understand what's going on, but as long as he is happy, I'm happy.

Since Brad was "busy," I took this opportunity to treat my beautiful mother to a nice dinner at a local Italian restaurant, Marina's. We then went to Hobby Lobby and Barnes & Noble - we did not get home until way past 10 that evening. I'm planning a Bridal Luncheon for my sweet friend, Myranda, so I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row before summer gets too crazy. I'm actually making my own invitations for the luncheon (pray for me!), and I'll just warn you that there is going to be a TON of PINK. I can't wait!

On Sunday, it was a beautiful morning, but by the afternoon, it was dark and gloomy and raining. Mom and I were going to go buy some flowers and brighten up my landscaping, but we decided to wait since it was pouring. We went and picked up my sweet cousin, Tessa, and ventured out to find me a spring dress for the High Tea that's next week. And that, my friends, was an adventure.

It's usually not that hard to find dresses for me, but for some reason, I was not having luck. We went to Dillard's, Stein Mart, TJ Maxx, Belk, Ann Taylor, Talbot's - the list goes on and on. I did find a suitable white eyelet dress at Stein Mart that is on hold right now. I was ready to give up. Mom suggested we go to Marshall's, but I was just TOO tired to go to one more place. She kept pursuing it, so I finally gave in.

And let me tell you, ladies. We hit the jackpot.

Not only did I find a dress for the tea (that's also on hold - I'm dreading the shoe situation), but I also found 5 dresses for work (and for upcoming weddings), 2 tops for Tybee, 2 Vineyard Vines tops, and 2 Vineyard Vines skirts!!!! Y'all have no idea how excited I was! It was like Christmas for me! I have NEVER been able to find Vineyard Vines for ladies - I've seen it for men at TJ Maxx before, but never anything at Marshall's!

I'm still smiling ear to ear about my purchases!

I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend as well - I can't wait until we actually have a sunny weekend! I need some sun like nobody's business!

Blessings, y'all!

Friday, April 25, 2008


I was reading through some comments on a previous post, and I noticed a comment from one of my favorite people ever, Jaclyn!

Jaclyn is a sister in Christ and ADPi - she is seriously the CUTEST and SWEETEST gal you will ever meet! She is engaged to her sweetheart, Michael (who played MTSU baseball with my brother), and they are the most precious couple ever! We are both in a wedding together in July, and I can't wait to spend some much-needed time with her!

Jaclyn has told me before that she read my blog, and I have been waiting for her to start one! I'm so excited you have joined the blogging world, Jaclyn! I love you very much, and I hope to see you soon!
My sweet sister, Jaclyn - is she not just adorable???

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My hiding place.

A few of you have commented on my last post - which was a quotation about worrying. I'm so blessed to know that many of you prayed for me - when you did not even know what I was going through.

These past couple of weeks, I have been in a real slump. Work has become overwhelming, I am struggling with my own self-image, and I have just flat out been depressed. I don't know what happened, or what triggered it. It just came and took over my life for nearly 2 weeks.

It's a good thing that I scheduled my mini-vacation with my grandparents for this past Monday and Tuesday. Y'all, I seriously cannot tell you how much I needed this trip. It was so wonderful to visit my grandparents - they are the absolute most precious people in my life. My granny is the epitome of a Proverbs 31 woman, and my papa is just a good ole country boy. I spent some much-needed time with them - we ate, talked, and visited with neighbors and friends. I got to attend a neighborhood watch meeting with my papa and hear a lot of complaining about "junk cars." I ate breakfast every morning with my papa. I planned our trip to Tybee Island (we're staying at the Tybrisa, thanks for the suggestion, Meagan!) I had a pesky permanent retainer that I have had for 10 years taken off - thank you, Lord! But now, I'm suffering with a removable retainer that I have to wear for a week straight - and now I look like I'm 16.
Hello, my name is Lena - and I LOVE my retainer! HA! Please don't judge me!But the best part about my trip was the precious time I got to spend in the Word. I feel refreshed and anew - and I don't feel like anything is holding me back!

On both Monday and Tuesday, my grandfather took my out to the "country" to see an old spring that they had cleaned up. This spring (pictured below) has been there for years - perhaps even hundreds of years. Someone took the time to cut those rocks and place them to build the wall to protect the spring. My grandfather shared memories with me about visiting the spring with a bucket to get fresh water as a child. As he told me stories that involved the spring, I couldn't help but think of John 4:13: "Every person that drinks this water will be thirsty again. But the person that drinks the water I give will never be thirsty again. That water I give will become like a spring of water flowing inside that person. That water will bring that person life forever." Only Jesus can supply the water that our thirsty souls desire. Only he can fill the emptiness and the ache. The amazing promise of Jesus' gift, his blessing, his refreshment, is that it is lasting. This water that Jesus gives is a spring of water, not a cistern. It is living, not static or stagnant. This water gives life and this life provides more water. God quenches our thirst with the Holy Spirit.My grandfather and his siblings share over 216 acres of land that has been in my family for generations. Everything was so pretty and green and full of life. I took over 60 pictures - here are some of my favorites...

This is a picture of a pond that was littered with lots of brush and fallen trees - my grandfather and his brothers took a lot of time to clean up around it - hopefully, it will continue to seal itself, and the pond will be here for years to come!
This is a picture of my great-great-Aunt Mary's house. She lived here for the majority of her lifetime - she was born in the house, along with my great-grandfather (my papa's father). There is a screen-in porch on the back, and I can remember spending hours upon hours with my Aunt Mary there. She was an old maid and schoolteacher - she always told wonderful stories, and I loved spending time with her.
This is an old barn that is not far from the house pictured above. I think old barns are just beautiful.
This is a picture of the pathway that my papa and I took to get to the top of the hill. I just love how green everything is!
A dogwood blooming on the side of the hill.
The sun was shining so magnificently through the trees on this morning. I love the way this picture turned out!
My grandfather has several purple martin birdhouses around his barn. I have always been facinated with martins - I love how they are such workers, and I love that so many of them stay together. They are very lively birds, and they are constantly working - but they sing a beautiful song while they work!

This is a picture of the church where Brad and I got married. It's an old church - it was built in the 1850s - there are steps on both sides of the porch - there used to be separate entrances for the men and women! It's an old church, and my family is deeply rooted in its history.

I snapped this shot of my papa and me driving down the road - I love that you can see both of us! I truly did treasure the time I got to spend with him, and I can't wait to go back!
"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me." - Song of Solomon 2:11-13

So, I'm sorry for my lack of posting, but I had some issues that I need to work out within myself. I thank each of you that thought or prayed for me - I truly appreciate it!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No worries.

“Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever...” - Isak Dinesen

Monday, April 14, 2008

The weekend.

It was a busy weekend for the Warnocks - here is a recap of what we did....

Friday night, we went to Golden Eagle, a Mongolian stirfry restaurant, with Ben and Emily. If you live near Murfreesboro, you need to check this place out! You get a bowl, fill it up with anything you could want (chicken, seafood, veggies), pick rice or noodles, and you have the best dinner! Ben and Emily are getting married in July, and I hope we will get to hang out more often!

Here is Ben with his fortune cookie fortune - it said "you will do very well in the computer field" - which is crazy because Ben works in the IT department at a local bank! Ha!

On Saturday, I worked all day at a fundraiser we had a Barnes & Noble. It was a long day, but at least I got to spend it at a bookstore! My cousins, Tessa and Tye, stopped by as well.

Here I am with the crazy kiddos - can you tell Tessa has been dressing herself? She had on white leggings, a green and pink top and leopard print boots! Ha!

Tye got a firetruck book and a schoolbus book - here he is modeling his firetruck book!

My mom and I made a trip to a local nursery on Saturday morning so I could make this pretty arrangement for a shower I was hosting on Sunday. I love this arrangement so much, all I have to do is put it in a pot, and I can enjoy it all summer long!

We also made close to 50 cupcakes for the shower - we made lemon, strawberry and chocolate. I am offically obsessed with lemon cupcakes.

We played a fun game with Rachel, the bride. We asked her 15 questions about her groom and for every question she got wrong, she had to put a marshmallow in her mouth. At this point, I think she had 3 or 4 in there! Ha!

Rachel is my ADPi little diamond sister, and I am so happy for her! Here I am with Rachel and Melissa, another ADPi who helped host. We were supposed to have the shower in our chapter room, but the school is kicking all of the sororities out of their chapter rooms, so we had to have it in a lecture hall! Hey, sometimes you have to improvise!
The invitations were red and yellow, so we tried to make all the decorations match. Of course, all the ADPi girls were commenting that we were using Chi-O's colors! Ha, I do love those Chi-Os!

I'm exhausted this morning - and I'm FREEZING!!!!

What is up with this weather!???!!!

Blessings, y'all!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Since I'm having a stressful week (see post below), I decided to have a little fun for a bit and participate in Big Mama's Fashion Fiesta!

Let's get started...

This is one of my favorite suits, which is what I usually wear to work everyday when I am in the office. This suit is my favorite - my parents gave it to me for Christmas. (I don't usually wear a hat, though, that's just me playing around! Ha!)

This is what I wear when I'm doing a workshop or some sort of outreach for United Way - United Way oxford with khakis. That's me and my sweet husband at a Back to School Bash last August.

During the spring and summer, when I'm not working, I love to wear oxfords and khakis - you can never go wrong with that!

Another example of my summer outfit - notice my LONG hair????

I buy a lot of my clothes from TJ Maxx and Marshall's (you can get great stuff for a fraction of the cost) - this is what I wore for St. Patrick's Day - a fun gingham top with a splash of green - I LOVE green! P.S. - I got both tops from TJ Maxx!

This is my favorite favorite favorite outfit for spring and summer - it's a cool linen top with white linen pants. I seriously wear this ALL the time! Another TJ Maxx find! (My husband snapped this picture while I was in the mecca known as Vera Bradley!)

I do love to wear dresses, though! This is my favorite "little black dress" (I'm on the left) - this is what I wore when I was a door knocker this past year for sorority recruitment - I seriously could dedicate a whole post to being a door knocker. That's my sweet friend, Chloe - we share a love for all things vintage and Audrey Hepburn - I definitely think she looks way cuter than me!

This is another favorite dress I have for spring and summer (a Marshall's find)...

But this dress was my all-time favorite EVER - my bridal gown. I could seriously wear my bridal gown every single day - I love it so much!

Now, if I didn't have a tight husband who would let me purchase whatever I wanted (no searching through TJ Maxxx), here's what I would buy...

I would buy this dress from Lily - love pink!

This suit from J. Crew - pink again!

And this outfit from Ann Taylor.

Oh, to have no budget! can find me a TJ Maxx any day of the week!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blessings from above.

Well, I have had to hold it in for a few days until it was official (although some of my readers already know)....

Yes! Praise you, Jesus! Brad has been in his job for a year and a half, and although he loves what he does and the people he works with, there were not that many opportunities to advance (and advance quickly). So, one night we just happened to run into one of his fraternity brothers who works in an accounting department for a fairly large company, they started chatting, Brad sent him his resume, he gets an interview, and then he gets the job!

I'm so proud of Brad, and I know he's excited about doing a job where he gets to use a lot of his college degree!

God has truly blessed us, and I cannot wait to see the opportunities that will come! Congratulations to you, Brad :)

Oh, FYI, Brad also won $100 off his NCAA bracket because he had Kansas to win it all from the beginning! I'm thinking we should use that prize money for a celebratory dinner - what do you think?

I have TONS to update about, but it's ONE MONTH from our High Tea special event, and I have way to much work to do! HELP!!!!!!!

"Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness." Psalm 107:8-9
Blessings, y'all!

Friday, April 4, 2008

T.G.I.F and hopefully NOT raining!

Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments about my sister and my debbie downer day! I am feeling much better today, and I am hoping there are blue skies coming my way! We don't have many plans this weekend, but I do get to go to a bridal shower for a sorority sister tomorrow, and I'm super excited! I can't wait to see everyone!
Last night, Brad and I made dinner again - we made Grilled Chicken with Lime and Avocado Salsa, and it was amazing! Brad and I are both big fans of avocados, so this was right up our alley! It was super easy and super healthy! Yay for being healthy!

Here is the recipe for those of you interested:

4 Chicken cutlets
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 large avocados, halved, pitted, peeled, and chopped
1 large tomato, chopped
1 medium red onion, cut into thin strips - I don't like raw onions, so I omitted them!
1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and sliced
3 Tbsp. lime juice
1/4 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
Lime wedges
Instructions1. Preheat grill pan over high heat. Coat chicken with 2 tablespoons olive oil and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. Add to grill pan; cook 2 to 3 minutes each side or until no pink remains. 2. Meanwhile, in large bowl combine avocados, tomato, onion, jalapeño, lime juice, and remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season to tast wth salt and pepper. Serve with chicken. Garnish with cilantro and lime wedges.

Brad made a little piece of chicken for Turner - here is a picture of him waiting patiently until we tell him "GO GET IT!" He will not eat it until he gets those 3 precious little words! Isn't he a cutie???

Okay, so who else saw New Kids on the Block this morning on the TODAY show???? I am SO SO SO excited about them getting back together. Y'all seriously have no idea - I can remember wearing a acid-washed jean jacket in KINDERGARTEN that was full of NKOTB buttons! I cried my eyes out when my mom wouldn't let me go to their concert that was at Murphy Center, and I for sure had a NKOTB sleeping bag and a Joey barbie doll! I just can't wait to get with my best friend from kindergarten, Diane, and squeal about this! Read HERE for more information.

I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Adventures in cooking.

In an effort to become healthier and more fit, Brad and I have tried to make better choices when we are eating. So, what does this mean for this little Southern wife???

Cooking more!

Yesterday, I decided I was going to plan out a few meals for the week, and I found the BEST website - seriously, it makes my heart smile. The thing I hate most about cooking is going to the grocery store - I cannot stand to fight through the crowds with my cart, not being able to find anything and then almost getting run over in the parking lot. And I hate trying to make a list of things I need - until now. Y'all seriously have to visit - you can find tons of recipes, drag them to your calendar, and then it makes a grocery list for you! How fabulous is that?

I pretty much have this whole week planned out, and I got all my groceries last night!

Last night, I made Creamy Spinach Ravioli - it was super easy and very tasty. The recipe is below:
-2 pkg refrigerated cheese ravioli
-1/2 cup Philadelphia Herb & Garlic Cream Cheese Spread (my grocery store did not have this, so I got regular cream cheese and added Mrs. Dash Herb & Garlic seasoning to it - tasted the same)
-1 cup milk
-1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp. Parmesan Grated Cheese, divided
-4 cups baby spinach leaves
-2 tbsp. chopped fresh dill
-grated peel from 1 lemon (Brad is not a fan of lemon, so I did not add much)
-6 cherry tomatoes, quartered

-Cook pasta as directed on package
-Meanwhile, place cream cheese spread in large skillet. Add milk; cook on medium heat 1 to 2 min. or until cream cheese is melted and mixture is well blended, stirring requently. Add 1/4 cup of the Permesan cheese, the spinach, dill and lemon peel; mix well.
-Drain pasta. Add to cream cheese sauce; toss to coat. Serve topped with tomatoes and remaining 2 tbsp. of Parmesan cheese.

Here is a picture of our deliciousness!

We are having Chicken with Lime and Avocado Salsa on Thursday and Fettuccine with Fresh Vegetables on Friday!

If you have any recipes that you just LOVE, feel free to share them!

Blessings, y'all!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tybee Island.

My grandmother, my momma, my sister and I are taking a trip this summer to Tybee Island, Georgia. I have never been to Tybee Island, but we all want to go to the beach, but still be close to Savannah (where my granny is DYING to go). I have been appointed as the "trip planner," and I have been doing all sorts of research - have any of you ever been to Tybee? Do you recommend a certain place to stay? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
