That's right, it rained AGAIN this weekend. I heard the forecast this morning, and weatherman said it was going to be beautiful this week, but the rain will be coming in on Friday night. He said it has rained 6 out of the past 8 weekends. You know what? I really hate sitting at my desk, staring at a computer when the sun is shining, and it is absolutely gorgeous outside!
Despite the rain, Brad and I had a marvelous weekend. On Friday night, we went to see Baby Mama with our friends, Ben and Emily. It was HILARIOUS! Of course, Brad and Ben pouted about having to see a chick flick, but Emily and I ate it up!
Anyways, on this past rainy Saturday, I attended a Junior League workshop - I wasn't really looking forward to it, actually, I was dreading it. But it was actually a very nice workshop, and I learned tons of new information, as well as I met a lot of ladies that are in the League that I haven't been able to connect with yet. So, all-in-all, it was a nice Saturday.
When I came home from the workshop, Brad was posted up in front of the television with the draft on - he had crazy spreadsheets, highlighters and papers EVERYWHERE. I already know that when draft weekend comes, I cannot expect ANYTHING out of Brad. I think he stayed in his pajamas for the whole weekend straight. I really don't understand what's going on, but as long as he is happy, I'm happy.
Since Brad was "busy," I took this opportunity to treat my beautiful mother to a nice dinner at a local Italian restaurant, Marina's. We then went to Hobby Lobby and Barnes & Noble - we did not get home until way past 10 that evening. I'm planning a Bridal Luncheon for my sweet friend, Myranda, so I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row before summer gets too crazy. I'm actually making my own invitations for the luncheon (pray for me!), and I'll just warn you that there is going to be a TON of PINK. I can't wait!
On Sunday, it was a beautiful morning, but by the afternoon, it was dark and gloomy and raining. Mom and I were going to go buy some flowers and brighten up my landscaping, but we decided to wait since it was pouring. We went and picked up my sweet cousin, Tessa, and ventured out to find me a spring dress for the High Tea that's next week. And that, my friends, was an adventure.
It's usually not that hard to find dresses for me, but for some reason, I was not having luck. We went to Dillard's, Stein Mart, TJ Maxx, Belk, Ann Taylor, Talbot's - the list goes on and on. I did find a suitable white eyelet dress at Stein Mart that is on hold right now. I was ready to give up. Mom suggested we go to Marshall's, but I was just TOO tired to go to one more place. She kept pursuing it, so I finally gave in.
And let me tell you, ladies. We hit the jackpot.
Not only did I find a dress for the tea (that's also on hold - I'm dreading the shoe situation), but I also found 5 dresses for work (and for upcoming weddings), 2 tops for Tybee, 2 Vineyard Vines tops, and 2 Vineyard Vines skirts!!!! Y'all have no idea how excited I was! It was like Christmas for me! I have NEVER been able to find Vineyard Vines for ladies - I've seen it for men at TJ Maxx before, but never anything at Marshall's!
I'm still smiling ear to ear about my purchases!
I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend as well - I can't wait until we actually have a sunny weekend! I need some sun like nobody's business!
Blessings, y'all!