Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas after-thoughts from LeeLee...

My pride and joy during the Christmas season - my overloaded Christmas tree!
One of my favorite gifts - from my boss - a Happy Everything platter! I have wanted one of these for close to 3 years! The santa at the top is actually an attachment, and there is an assortment of others that you can change out!

Lastly, this little angel-baby is the BEST gift of sweet nephew, Grant! And guess what he is trying to do???? WALK! I can already tell 2010 is going to be a GREAT year :)
(btw, don't i look like a proud aunt leelee?)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Help wanted....
We played a LOT of Rook - here was our favorite spot on my parents' porch....
And here we are all dressed up at the beautiful wedding!We even got to see our favorite team, the Braves! We had AMAZING seats, and B was even on TV!
We did a wedding flowers for a family friend, Riki Lynne! Loved all the purple!
B with me and my sister, Katy at the wedding....LOVE him!
My mom and I traveled to Knoxville to go to my precious friend (and sorority sister), Katelyn's baby shower! She just had Avery last week, and I was so glad that I got to celebrate with her before the big day! It was a Halloween themed shower, and of course, we had to pull out the <> diamonds <>!
B and I went to ANOTHER shower in Georgia - this one was in the mountains at a winery!
I got to see all my lovely ADPi sisters at Homecoming - here we are at our alumnae tailgate!
My sister helped me make my Halloween costume....I was a GOOD witch!
I passed out candy for our "Trick or Treat on the Square" - there were HUNDREDS of kids!
But the cutest of them all was my favorite little monkey man! I can't believe how big my nephew (Grant) is, and we are so excited about celebrating Christmas with him this year!
So, that's what has been going on in my life! I am super busy with Mattie Mae stuff, as we are preparing for the big Junior League's Hollyday Marketplace! And who else is just DYING to put out their Christmas tree? B is trying to make me wait, but the anticipation is KILLING me!?!!!!
Have a wonderful day - update me on YOUR life :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Mattie Mae Designs...and other happenings

Monday, August 10, 2009
I have been reluctant to even write this post, but I feel that it will help with my grieving.
Until this past weekend, I was expecting a precious bundle of joy. B and I found out that we were expecting around 2 weeks ago, and we have been on cloud nine ever since. I had a feeling that I might be pregnant, and while B was out of town for work, I took a test. I will never, ever forget when I saw that second pink line start to form on the pregnancy test. I was completely and utterly surprised, but it was one of the happiest moments of my life, too!
B and I have been wanting to start a family for some time, but we did not expect to pregnant so easily - or so quickly. So, I was just so elated! We told our parents and close family, and everyone shared in our excitement.
I went to the doctor this past Thursday, and I found out that I was around 4 weeks pregnant - the urine test actually came back negative because I was so early, and then they had to take a blood test - which came back POSITIVE! They gave me my due date - April 18th, and I scheduled an appointment to come back in September. It was finally starting to sink in that we were going to have our very own baby.
That very same night, I started spotting and cramping. I called my doctor, and they said to monitor my bleeding, drink plenty of fluids and stay off my feet. I went back to the doctor this past Monday morning for another blood test to see where my hormone levels were - B and I had hit rock bottom this weekend, so we were prepared for the worst. They called that afternoon to let me know that I did, in fact, miscarry.
My emotions have been all over the place, but we are completely and totally leaning on God. A friend of mine that also had a miscarriage recommended a book to me called "I will hold you in Heaven." It has been a lifesaver to me - every word and scripture that is in this book just absolutely calms my heart. Throughout this experience, B and I have learned that children are an absolute precious gift straight from God. I know that God is going to bless us with children - in His time.
We would appreciate any prayers - we have totally felt our family and friends covering us in prayer during our sorrow. If any of you who read this blog have dealt with miscarriage, I would love to hear your story, too! My friend that I mentioned above said something to me that made perfect sense, "Our babies were just too perfect that they went straight to Heaven."
And how beautiful is that????
Friday, June 19, 2009
So, my brother plays Minor League baseball now....
Other than all of that excitement, we have been pretty busy with weddings, graduations and just enjoying the 150+ degree weather....and it isn't even officially summer yet!!!
Since my brother is a GAZILLION miles away, I convinced him to start a blog - which has gotten my whole family chattering about "the blog." And guess who is the newest member of the blog community? None other than my FABULOUS mother - she's really a great writer, and I know I will really enjoy reading about her crazy antics!
Sorry I have been absent from my blog, I HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO update this thing more frequently. You heard me...let's see how long I stick to it!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Busy week....
I have recently started a sewing class - yes, I am actually going to attempt to sew. My momma and sister have always been the sewers in my family, and I am frankly just sick of always watching them! So, I started a beginner's sewing class on Tuesday night - it lasts for 3 weeks, but it is SO going to be worth it! We had the choice of making either a little girl's outfit or a boy's outfit. I asked B what he thought I should make, and he said "boy" of course, because he seems to think we are going to have all boys....Lord help me if that's true! I will try and post pictures of my progress, but you can't judge me!
I also started training to become an adult literacy tutor - which has been the most empowering and scary (at the same time!) experience I have had to date. I am very nervous about being a tutor, but I know that the training I will receive will help me along the way!
By the time I get home from my new activities, it is past 9 o'clock, and B and I are NOT night owls. B has been working overtime since it's a busy time with the bookstore, so we have our pillow talks and talks in the bathroom while getting ready, but it's just not the same.
I guess I just miss my hubby, and I can't wait until things calm down!
Oh, and our two year anniversary is coming up....I still can't believe it has already been TWO YEARS! Crazy!
Hope y'all have a beautiful weekend :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Help April and Brandon!
So please, if you can, keep them in your prayers!!!
Oh, and I'm partial, too, because they are going to name him "Harrison," and B and I have already chosen James "Harris" as our first boy's name! I guess great minds think alike :)
Thanks, y'all!
Friday, April 3, 2009

LeeLee, SheShe (my momma), Megan and Katy at Megan's shower.
Friday, February 27, 2009
LeeLee cooks!
B has always commented on how he wished I cooked more and how he wished he could take leftovers to work, so I finally caved!
It's not that I don't like to cook, I do! It's the grocery shopping and planning that I hate! So, this past Saturday, my sweet momma helped me plan out a menu for the week, and then we made our grocery list. She even went to the grocerry store with me, helped me pick out meats and veggies, and she gave tons of great advice!
So, B and I have had one full week of homemade meals, and we are loving it! Our menu included chicken supreme casserole, lasagna, minute steak with mushroom gravy and homemade soup!
Aren't you proud of me? Well, even if you aren't, I am proud of myself!
I already have the menu planned for next week, and I am going to brave the grocery store by myself! There is nothing like cooking a beautiful meal and enjoying it with your special someone...heck, even by yourself!
I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend - I know I will, I am making a visit to my favorite fabric store in Nashville, and I have some big plans for some sewing projects!
Blessings, y'all!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Exalted by God
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I miss my B.
But this week, I just miss my B.
I have had something to do every night, but I am so ready for him to get home!
And it doesn't make things better to know that he is along the Georgia coast - can we say JEALOUS?
Anyways, I have learned to really appreciate my husband while he is at home! I hope you do the same for your special man!

My main man and myself this past Christmas :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
LeeLee gets a new vacuum.
You have to know that because B and I have a black labrador, Turner, we also have lots of dog hair. I have never really had a great vacuum (our old one was about 20 years old - an old Rainbow, the kind you have to put water in), so we usually end up with dog hair everywhere. I always manage to have a lint brush in nearly every room, but I was getting tired of it. Now, I have the most awesome vacuum, and I will not have dog hair everywhere anymore!
If you are wanting to buy a good vacuum, something that will last, I definitely recommend the Kenmore - mine even has a red light for when there is still dirt, or hair in my case, on the floor - it turns green when the floor is clean! How awesome is that?????
Sorry this has turned into such a "domestic" post, but I was really excited about it! Ha!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
LeeLee reflects on last year...
Things have been very good for us this year - we started the year off with a positive attitude, ready to leave 2008 behind. Is it just me, or was 2008 a bad year for a lot of people? Brad and I both changed jobs, our marriage wasn't the greatest, and I was not a very happy person. Last fall, I realized how unhappy I was and decided to give it all to God. For so long, I had been trying to fix everything myself. I fasted from my friends (crazy, huh?) just to spend some real face-to-face time with my husband and my family. I had pushed them all away, and I needed to rekindle those relationships. So, if you didn't hear from me at all from September until now, you know why!
How are things now, you ask?
Couldn't be better! Brad and I are more in love today than we were the first day we met. We have been doing the Fireproof study at church on Friday nights, and it has done amazing things for us. Just opening the lines of communication has been phenomenal. Every night, we do a "love dare" - it ranges from just being patient, to surprising your spouse with something. But the thing that benefits us is the talking and the praying. God has been rocking our world right now, and I couldn't be happier.
I am also doing the Captivating study with a ladies' group, and it has been difficult for me at certain points. I'm still trying to push forward, but there are things that I do not want to face. The only thing that keeps me going in the study is knowing that those wounds that I am so afraid of facing are not so scary now. Now, I am not facing them alone - I am facing them with Christ.
I have lots of ideas for posts, and I will try my very best to get them all down on the spread the word, I'm back :)
Blessings, y'all!