Monday, September 17, 2012

Barnyard Bash...I'm tired!

our sweet girl...who is obsessed with balloons!
(note: cow  and small red balloons from Oriental Trading, large red balloons from Shop Sweet Lulu)

Exhausted.  Totally worn out.  Can barely lift my arms.

But it was amazing.  And worth every single plan.

I know a lot of y'all are waiting for party pictures and a recap, and I'm waiting, too!  Our precious photographer, Joy Chambers, is working through lots of photos, and I cannot wait to see everything!

It was a crazy and absolutely beautiful day.  I loved celebrating with all of our family and friends, and I know our sweet doodlebug had a blast.

Now, off to try and convince myself that I really have a two-year old!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Annie Louise is 2 years old!

My precious Annie Louise.
Wow, you are 2 years old today.  We have survived 2 years as parents – I can’t believe it.  
Let’s take a minute and look at how much you have grown in the past 2 years.
Here you are when you were just a newborn with your very first hairbow – the first of many.  

9 pounds and 2 ounces of pure chubbiness. 21 ½ inches long – tall like your daddy.

A precious newborn who nursed around the clock, very rarely cried (here’s a secret – we used to let you cry for a minute or two because you were so cute when you did), and changed our lives from the moment you entered our world.

You made us parents.  You made us appreciate every single moment we are given.  You made us grateful.
Here you are at your first birthday.

20 pounds, 30 1/2 inches long – you were skinny and tall.  

You took your first steps in front of everyone at your party.  And that’s so like you – you’re stubborn, but put you in front of a crowd, and you perform.

And now, here you are at 2 years old.  

I’m not sure your exact measurements (we go for your 2 year check-up on Friday) – but I know you’re right at 30 pounds and probably about 3 feet tall.
You are more the size of a 3 year old, but you own it.  You hang with the big kids and love every second of it.
You are so smart, my love.  You love to sing and dance.  You are bossy, and it’s nothing for you to tell mama and daddy to “git up and DANCE!”  Of course, we oblige.  Who can say no to a dance party?
You love to pray – we pray every night, and we ask you who you would like to pray for – your first prayer is for your cousins, Tessa and Tye – always.  Then, you pray for other family members and their pets.  And you always end it with a big AAAAAMEN!  

This year has flown by.  I think this is how each year will be with you.  Every day is a new and different day – everything is constantly flowing, changing.  
I used to get bored easily with my situation, or feel like life was “static”, but not anymore.  Some days, I cry out to our Lord and ask Him to make things slow down, to help me enjoy each and every second, to wake up each morning and treasure the day that has been given to me.
Every day is not always easy, but you have taught me the beauty and importance of GRACE.  
I’m so excited at what the next year is going to bring to us as a family.  New adventures, lots of learning and more love than we will ever know.
I love you so much, my precious doodlebug – 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Influence Conference link-up...all about Lena!

Hi, friends!  I know, I know...I've been absent somewhat.  But I have good reasons - 1) my hubby's busy time at work started, and he has literally been working 15 hour days for the past week. 2) preschool started for Annie Louise - we're trying to get back into our schedule. 3) my doodlebug turns 2 in less than 2 weeks, and we are planning like crazy for her barnyard bash. 4) I feel like I am barely hanging on.

But Labor Day weekend has come, and I'm sorta feeling like I'm getting back into my groove.

And then, I got an email the other night that said Influence Conference was like FIVE weeks away.  I cannot say I'm excited is an understatement.  I'm elated.  Thrilled, even!

So, the community leaders are hosting a link-up to get to know everyone, and I thought it would be great to participate, so those of you that are attending can get to know me better and visa versa.

Here we go...

- my sweet family - that's me, our Annie Louise and my hubby, Brad - 
Three get to know me things:
- I've been married to my sweet hubby, Brad (or B) for over five years.  He's pretty awesome, and we have a good time together!
- I have an almost 2-year old, Annie Louise, and she's the light of our lives.  She always makes me smile, loves to sing and dance, and gives the best kisses ever.  She was born on September 10, 2010, weighing in at 9 pounds, 2 ounces, 21.5" long.  When you meet me, you'll understand why this is such a big deal to me (i.e., I'm a petite gal).  Needless to say, she favors my 6'4" hubby more than me!
- I'm a full-time working mama.  So, that means I do a lot of juggling, balancing, and say no to a lot of things - which I'm getting better at. Try it out.  Oh, and I have a little side business with my mama called Mattie Mae Designs - we make hand-appliqued onesies and t-shirts that are oh-so cute!

Two things I'm looking forward to about the conference:
- Meeting my roommates (Julie, Melody & Shannon)...they are awesome, and I can't wait to spend a few days with them!  So excited!
- I'm super excited about all the sessions - how will I ever pick?  Everything sounds right up my alley, seriously, I think I'm going to have to draw out of a hat!

One thing I can't leave home without:
- My burberry perfume.  I've been wearing it ever since Brad and I met, and I wear it every single day.  He always gifts it to's my signature scent!

Going to Influence, too?  Leave me a comment so I can meet you and hug your neck...yes, I'm a hugger.  Hey, I'm from Tennessee, we all hug!