Monday, January 28, 2008


Well, I have been running around ALL weekend and TODAY like a chicken with my head cut off getting ready for something very exciting...I'm leaving to go to JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA tomorrow!

That's right, folks - I'll be in sunny Florida until Friday! I'm going to learn about a new advertising campaign that United Way of America is unveiling. It's called 'Live United' and I cannot wait to soak in all the marketing goodness!

I was going to have to go on this trip alone since Brad didn't want to use four days of his vacation, but my granny decided that she was going to tag along with me! I love my granny so much, and I can't wait to spend a few days with her!

I'll be pretty busy in workshops every day, so I don't know how much I'll get to update, but I'll be thinking of y'all while I'm in the Sunshine State!

Blessings, y'all!


  1. Have fun and be safe! Enjoy the warm weather! : )

  2. Lena:
    Thank you so much for your precious card and verse! They both meant SO much to me. I have put them on my bulletin ("blessings") board.
    I hope you have a wonderful time in FL!!!!

  3. I'm jealous! Hope you have a great time in sunny FL!
