Friday, June 19, 2009

So, my brother plays Minor League baseball now....

You heard it (LeeLee's) little brother is officially a BIG athlete! Nathan was drafted by the Colorado Rockies organization last Thursday, and we couldn't be happier....or more proud! He got on a plane Monday morning to travel all the way to the wild, wild west - Casper, Wyoming. And the team he's playing for???? None other than the Casper GHOSTS!!!! We have definitely had a couple of laughs at that one! HA!

Other than all of that excitement, we have been pretty busy with weddings, graduations and just enjoying the 150+ degree weather....and it isn't even officially summer yet!!!

Since my brother is a GAZILLION miles away, I convinced him to start a blog - which has gotten my whole family chattering about "the blog." And guess who is the newest member of the blog community? None other than my FABULOUS mother - she's really a great writer, and I know I will really enjoy reading about her crazy antics!

Sorry I have been absent from my blog, I HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO update this thing more frequently. You heard me...let's see how long I stick to it!