Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Thoughts...

Today, we close the books on 2011.

And what a wonderful year it has been!

A challenging, difficult, but FULL of laughter, lessons learned and lots of love.

We started 2011 with a almost 4-month old.
I was still breastfeeding round the clock and loving every minute of it.

Unlike previous year, I didn't really make any goals or resolutions for 2011 - my primary goal for that year was to try and breastfeed Annie Louise for a full year,
and I'm proud to report that we made it 13 months!

In 2011, I mainly wanted to focus on being the best mother that I could be.

I hope I accomplished that goal.

We worked hard this year, harder than we have ever worked before.

I made the hard decision to go back to work full-time.

We celebrated each passing month with our doodlebug and tried our very best to make a note of her major milestones...
in 2011, we celebrated sitting up on our own, crawling and walking - what a busy year!

We decided we were tired of the way our house looked and made the decision to change things around - pictures of our progress will be coming soon!

And then something BIG happened...our doodlebug turned ONE! (and I have YET to write a post on her 6 months too long ago?)

This year has honestly been the best year of my life -
I have loved watching this little one that B and I created grow into a busy toddler.

When I look back on this year, I don't regret a single thing. There are some things that I want to work on and improve, but for the most part, 2011 was a great year.

We won't be ringing in the New Year any special way tonight, in fact, we'll probably be asleep when that big ball drops.

But you know what?

I wouldn't have it any other way!


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