Friday, May 25, 2012

God knows.

So, a lot of you read my post about "mama guilt" that I posted on Monday (you can read it HERE) - and some of you sent me emails/messages to let me know you were thinking/praying for me, and I want you to know I truly appreciate it.

Yesterday, I got a text message from our babysitter a little before 6 a.m. letting me know that she was not going to be able to keep Annie Louise that day.  Usually, this would be something that I would FREAK.OUT about.  But not yesterday.

I knew that my mom wouldn't be able to keep her because she was working on that day.  And B was a gazillion miles away in Ohio - it's not a gazillion?  Oh, well it feels like it when your hubby is gone for a week.

Anyways, I would normally freak out when faced with this dilemma.  Not this time.  I knew that God had something in store for me, and I was going to enjoy every moment of it.

And what a wonderful day it was - we ate breakfast together, went to Target, visited with our friends Ms. Lauren & Ms. Emily, ate lunch at Cracker Barrel & did some pretty serious antiquing (hey, I have to train her early).

It was fabulous.

Yesterday, I did not answer any phone calls.  I did not schedule any meetings.  I didn't make any copies.  An unexpected chain of events left me without childcare, but I didn't complain.

God knows exactly what you need WHEN you need it.

Yesterday, I was just Annie Louise's mama.  And it was amazing!

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