Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Stop & Smell the Roses...Wee School edition!

Stop and Smell the Roses

I'm back for another vlog linking up with Mandy from House of Rose - Stop & Smell the Roses vlog link-up.  I'm loving taking the time out every week to share something that I'm thankful for or something that I'm absolutely loving!

Are you linking up, too?  If you're not, you're seriously missing out!

I'm so blessed that our community has several amazing mother's day out programs that have a faith-based curriculum....they love our children like their own, and they teach our sweet babies (from the very beginning) that there is a loving God.  They teach them how to follow directions, how to stay together, how to eat nicely and how to play well together.  I feel 100% positive that God brought this wonderful program to our family, and every day I thank Him that our daughter has the privilege and honor of being in one of those classes.

Here's Miss Annie Louise with her teachers, Mrs. Maxine & Mrs. Lisa!  Love them so much!

As far as the notebook goes, it's nothing super fancy or complicated...just a simple notebook and LOTS of page protectors (like I said in the video, I put AL's artwork and her report together in one page protector). I hope to make one of these for each year of preschool - sure, that's a lot of notebooks, but like I said, I'm super duper sentimental.  I cannot bear the thought of throwing anything away...yet.

What about you?  Do you have any special/original ways to keep all your wee one's masterpieces?  Do share!

I hope you'll come back again next week...I'm truly loving this vlog link-up and all the fabulous bloggers I have "met"!  

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Cute Vlog today!! My daughter goes to a fabulous Christian preschool and I am so in love with her wonderful teachers. They are teaching her so much and she has genuinely built a relationship with God this year. Your little Annie is so cute by the way. LOVE the picture with her teachers.

  2. We have a wonderful kids program at our church, but so cool that you found a Christian preschool that is so awesome! Annie is too dang cute! Currently I just keep a file folder for the boys with their projects...but Parker's is kinda getting out of control! I think I need to try the notebook for each year! Love this idea!

  3. Sweet Annie!!! I love her. So cute :)

  4. I am a new reader, so HI! Your daughter is so cute! I can't wait to read more! :)

  5. She is so cute! I love your notebook idea. I've been trying to decide what to do for the boys, and this is a great idea!

  6. Annie is just adorable! Love the two of you singing Jesus Loves Me. That's so cool that they make a little binder of pictures from the year for you to keep! My mom kept binders for our schoolwork like you are with Annie's. I love looking back through it!
